When creating a logo, there are a lot of things to think about in addition to trends and color psychology. Another element of a logo that you must take note of is its background. It doesn’t need to be monochromatic. There are a variety of options to decorate the background of the logo. Let’s look at some creative ideas for backgrounds for the logo. Then, discover how to design it along and with our business Turbologo.

The variations of backgrounds

  • Classic wood

The warm background of this background will create a welcoming atmosphere. Logos of companies that deal with hand-crafted goods, flowers or eco-friendly trends, like cosmetics or clothing made of natural materials will look amazing on it.

  • Brick wall
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The style of the background can define the tone of the logos of businesses that have a strong, bold design that wants to stand out.

  • Polygons

A solid background with multiple polygons represents rigor, innovation and sustainability. It is ideal for businesses that deal with technology, design, and IT.

The figures can be enhanced with neon stripes, gradients, or other features. The most important thing is that the background doesn’t draw all the attention, and does not overpower the logo.

  • Half-tones

While the background does create an eerie retro look but it doesn’t overpower. The image can be used with most logos.

  • Bokeh effect
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The most distinctive characteristic in the effects of bokeh is that it creates a blurred background, with prominent highlights on the foreground. This effect is commonly used in photography to add the image a hint of magic.

The logo in the background, with its effect of bokeh is festive and stunning. This base for a sign is ideal to utilize for businesses working in the area of entertainment and event management.

  • Paper

Checkered white paper is the perfect background for all kinds of logos. Emblems with geometric elements look the best on it.

  • Paint drops and dabs

Paint drops and splashes are frequently used as logo backgrounds for innovative brands. By using this style, you can convey the vision of your company and draw the attention of your target public.

  • Cage
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A checkered background is uncommon in logos. If you choose this style it will definitely be noticed from your competition.

  • Lines

Lines are a different option for logo backgrounds. The style of the stripes define the tone of the company. For instance, straight, broken lines are usually associated with the latest technology, while seamless lines are associated with health and beauty.

  • Neon

Neon logos can be seen in nightclubs and other venues for entertainment. But, the application of the design is not restricted to the options listed. The neon sign is ideal for businesses that aren’t shy to draw attention and announce themselves to the public.

  • Patterns
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Details in the form patterns may not be only an element of the logo but also the background. Logos with this style look in a harmonious way at clothing brands as well as beauty salons.

  • Gradient

One popular, but appealing variation of the background designs can be the use of gradients. Logo elements can be distinguished and the text is easily read when viewed against a background. A gradient background can draw attention to the other elements of the sign and provide the design a unique twist.

  • Texture

Texture backgrounds reflect the properties of the surface of a substance. It could be paper, canvas, metal and more. The logo displayed on an unusual background can be used to communicate the benefits, services and benefits, as well as the aspects of the brand via the texture.

  • Flash of Light
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Are you shining light against other brands? Make it clear in your signage style by picking the right background.

How do you choose?

Pick the perfect background thanks to the advice of top designers. Of course, it’s more beneficial to leave the design of your website or blog to experts. However, you may attempt to create your own background. For this, you must follow these simple and efficient guidelines of a professional, which are described below.

  • Communication with the intended audience

The initial step is to determine the goal and purpose for which you will be performed by in the background picture. Therefore, if your company is focused on promoting a product, it’s a good idea to include an image that represents the product. This can create an impression that is positive to visitors and help connect them with your product or service.

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If we’re looking for a logo with a travel theme for blogs, an effective solution is to choose an image of a background with a picturesque landscapes of your travels. Allow the viewer to picture that they are a real participant in the happenings. If you choose to use a photograph that is moving or has an appealing perspective for your background, it can help to make the logo more elegant and lively.

  • Find high-quality images with high resolution.

There are several websites that offer professional ready images and photos to suit all tastes (Shutterstock, Depositphotos and others). But, the image must have an appropriate orientation for the web page (landscape) and be of a good resolution. The minimum resolution recommended is 1024 x 768 pixels, but it’s preferable to select the middle resolution and choose images with an area of at minimum 2000 pixels for the background. If you download a photo that is of a smaller resolution, your background will look similar to the 90’s in the early days.

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It is also advisable to download an image that has a higher resolution, and then remove the excess rather than trying to extend a low-quality image. Make use of special image editors (Illustrator, Photoshop, Paint, IrfanView).

Cut a plain background to focus on the key elements of the picture. If you edit the image correctly and properly, your image of the product or the person will create positive effects on the person who views it, giving the impression you want to create.

  • Focus on your goals

Make sure that the focus is directed to draw viewers’ focus to the area of focus (your brand or your product). Focusing lets you make the background appear more attractive so that the most important elements do not get lost among other elements of your logo.

  • The site’s monochromatic background
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Some photos are not suitable for backgrounds in all situations then, monochrome color blocks can be the solution that allows you to create stunning logo backgrounds for a range of reasons. Make sure the color scheme is appropriate to your design and creates the desired emotional response from your visitor.

When choosing a background that is uniform take into consideration matching the color scheme to ensure that text doesn’t fade away and is easily visible. If your aim is to make visitors focus on the information aspect of your brand, a white background is the most effective choice. The white color will provide the website with the appearance of elegance and cleanliness, giving an impression of a classic and solid organization.

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The background forms the foundation of the logo. It is designed to compliment the style and highlight the primary components of the logo. Select the best background and create your own logo now or with the assistance from professionals. Best of luck!


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